Image courtesy of Al Madad Foundation

The El Sayed Foundation launches its groundbreaking initiative 2015.

March 2012

Art changes perceptions. Perceptions change people. People change the world. It is in this spirit that the El Sayed Foundation launches 2015, a groundbreaking and innovative digital campaigning platform using art and creativity to raise awareness towards a multitude of issues resulting from poverty in Egypt, inspiring youth involvement in a social effort to stand united against poverty and its effects on our communities.

"We will spare no effort to free our fellow men, women and children from the abject and dehumanising conditions of extreme poverty, to which more than a billion of them are currently subjected. We are committed to making the right to development a reality for everyone and to freeing the entire human race from want."

This was the promise that 189 heads of state made to the world in the year 2000 creating 8 anti-poverty Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) to eradicate extreme poverty by 2015. Since then, some progress has been made in the fight against poverty. But not nearly enough.

Children still continue to be the biggest victims of extreme poverty. Over 1 billion children constituting more than half the children in developing countries suffer from at least one form of severe deprivation.

In Egypt Millions of our people remain hungry, poor and vulnerable, with too little access to opportunities.

Urgent measures need to be taken, and past experience demonstrates that innovative initiatives are necessary to confront the fundamental problem of poverty alleviation. 2015 is a new and exciting digital campaigning platform using art and creativity to mobilise a movement of civic engagement amongst the youth, geared towards poverty alleviation in Egypt. The El Sayed Foundation believes art has a crucial role to inspire and empower youth to stand up for what they believe in, take action, and work together towards the betterment of their societies.

All 2015 components will act as major vehicles in the marketing, showcasing and profiling of the campaign’s call to action: Join 2015.. Be the change. 2015 will not only be a seminal moment in the world of digital art, but more importantly it will be a powerful force inspiring people to making a difference in a country where extreme poverty continues to exist along extreme wealth.

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